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Posted: March 26th, 2012, 2:35 pm
by svaronalli
Hi guys! Needing an info.
Iìm using open dmx + freestyler, but using the Easy View for first time to plan the show in advance and simulate it sitting on my sofa.
But I noticed problem using the shadows and rendering way.
In the image here attached I put a pics of the 2 following problems
1- I see that rays are passing throw some objects and creating shadows with others. WHY? is it normal?? (u can see the man and window shadows passing through the walls to the roof...)
2- Rays going out of the scene from left, they come back on the right, like if the world is "flat" :D ... normal also? (spot is pointed to the left, u can see in the right corner a sort of part of the ray)
thanks a lot in advance