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improvement idea (important need it quick)

Posted: March 8th, 2012, 2:59 am
by aWarlt

Re: improvement idea (important need it quick)

Posted: March 8th, 2012, 3:03 am
by aWarlt
:fs: HI i need to install freestyler on my craped computer i dont have internet and have tried freestyler on a freinds computer. IT IS GREAT SOFTWARE. The problem is that i cant save the dowload as the installer that i can save still needs access to internet when i run it

i am currently using internet with heaps of blockages after scholl

would it be very hard to change the installers makeup

iv done some programming a know how hard it would be for the maker to desgn and make thins software but this would not need a recompile with rvamped code. just a different installer

13 year old got 4 dmx rgb par in an upstars room with sound system and i play instuments and do musical videos and recordings and a crap typer.

i can download the file at a freinds but i need to be able to save a FULL download to install on another computer at a later date without internet

:fs: :fs: :fs: :fs:

Re: improvement idea (important need it quick)

Posted: March 8th, 2012, 3:04 am
by aWarlt
I would like to suggest this as an improvement for the freestyler installer.

Re: improvement idea (important need it quick)

Posted: March 8th, 2012, 4:33 pm
by Spirit
Hallo, awarlt

Freestyler doesnt need internet to be installed.
Only 3dView needs Internet to be installed.


Re: improvement idea (important need it quick)

Posted: March 9th, 2012, 2:29 am
by aWarlt
hi i have tried to save the freetyler dowload with internet explorer and when i run my saved file it is a installer. when i run the installer it asks what i want to install and a went all of them but then it connects to the internet and actually downloads and installs them. when it connects it dose so in the background and the only way i know is because i unconected the internet and it wouldnt install.

you said this:
"Freestyler doesnt need internet to be installed.
Only 3dView needs Internet to be installed."

do you mean the 3d stage viewer?

i have also tried copying the programfile version and that needs drivers so i copyed all the system 32 drivers and it comes up with an ankown error.

Re: improvement idea (important need it quick)

Posted: March 9th, 2012, 2:32 am
by aWarlt
my computer is an old 98 running xp
will the software even werk

when i saved the program file and did the driver update the 3d viewer did werk along with fixture creater

i cannot test my theirys cos i cant download anyting at school - even freestyler home page is blocked and my proxy cannot dowload the file as it is to large.

Re: improvement idea (important need it quick)

Posted: March 9th, 2012, 7:41 am
by Jan_K
Hej aWarlt

I have FreeStyler running on 2 xp PC's but I don't know how old they are so yes it works on a xp.

And I have the FreeStyler instalation sw on a UBS memory stick which I have installed from more times.
The PC's I have are from time to time used to other things and I chose to delete FreeStyler and make a complete new instalation.
Tried it out on jobs with no internet connection. No problem.

But as Spirit says.
If you want to install Magic 3D Easy View then you need the internet.

But I am a bit curious. If you downloaded it by a friend then why not connect your PC to the net at your friends place.
Then you can also install the 3D viewer.
