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Need finer control over sliders

Posted: December 1st, 2011, 5:38 pm
by blaide13
I have some fixtures with many pre-programmed colors I have assigned to the Iris channel on Freestyler. The problem is that using a mouse to move the slider in single digt increments is VERY hard as the mouse movement is course. I would like to be able to click on any slider and then use the left and right arrow keys to increase or decrease the slider values incrementally. This way I can click on my Iris channel, hit the right arrow key and with each press, move the slider value from 1 to 2,3,4,5,6,7,etc.. This function may already exist, so forgive me if it does, but I can't find a way to do it. Anyone have suggestions or further info. on this or is this a feature which isn't currently written into the software?

Re: Need finer control over sliders

Posted: December 1st, 2011, 6:43 pm
by Spirit
Yes there are 2 ways :D
- Hard, With Go Command, 1@DMX1 this will set Channel one to Value one ;) .
- Easy, You can Also use "+" and "-" this will only work one the Lastest selected Channel. You can Find the + and - on the Keyboard Next to Backspace or Numpad but im not sure.


Re: Need finer control over sliders

Posted: December 2nd, 2011, 1:26 am
by blaide13
I tried using the + and - keys located next to the back space as you suggested, but nothing happened. The = and - keys were tried after clicking on the iris slider, but no effect. Any other suggestions?

Re: Need finer control over sliders

Posted: December 2nd, 2011, 7:02 am
by Jan_K
Hej guys

It is the + and - on the num pad.

And it is only working on the slider/fader in the slider panel right side of FS window.

Think will add that to wiki. :)


Re: Need finer control over sliders

Posted: December 2nd, 2011, 7:24 pm
by blaide13
I don't have a number pad on my laptop. I only have the plus and minus keys next to my backspace button. Is there another way to do this other than the mouse.

Re: Need finer control over sliders

Posted: December 2nd, 2011, 10:55 pm
by Spirit
Dont your laptop have some Kind of FN key.
My laptop haves a FN key this way i have a Numpad.
like J=1 and K=2 and L=3
and U=4 and I=5.

and : = - and / = +.
This FN key you can also trun the Wifi on or off, Or Mousepad on/off, Standby, Bluetooth on /off.

But i see your trying to Get al the Colormacro's, what not useing the Colorchannel instead of the Iris channel.
Because if you open freestyler en you open the Color window you see Blue arrows next to the Slider.
These Arraws also Adds One Dmx value each time you press it.


Re: Need finer control over sliders

Posted: December 3rd, 2011, 12:27 am
by blaide13
Thank you so much. On my Laptop keyboard, the FN key (which was light blue) in combination with the Blue + and Blue - keys worked. Thank you so much. Consider this thread now finished and closexd.