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Buttons & Cues - not working?

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 2:12 pm
by djtommye
I guess I'm a bit confused...

I've created some sequences in the sequence editor, and they seem to run fine there. When I saved them, I checked to create a button and add a cue.

When I click on the button, some of the sequences work, some only partially work. Maybe I'm mis-understanding the purpose??

My show contains a mixture of moving lights, LED fixtures, and traditional dimmers. The dimmer buttons seem to work perfectly. I have a sequence for the LED fixtures that does a simple color scroll. If I press that button, the lights come on with the initial color, but they never change (per the sequence). The movers do even less.

Does a button activate a sequence? Can I activate more than one at a time?

When I press one of the play buttons in the cue list, NOTHING happens.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Re: Buttons & Cues - not working?

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 2:38 pm
by djtommye
Okay - I read about the multi-select thing, and enabled that in the settings. Now the cues seem to play (though I've only tested on one or two). However, I'm still having problems with the buttons not "playing" the sequence.

Re: Buttons & Cues - not working?

Posted: July 25th, 2011, 4:28 pm
by Spirit
hello, djtommye

Yes you are correct thats becuase a override button only plays the first step of a sequence.

i use the cue window for playback multipule step sequences, like movements and Chases.
and i use the override buttons for Gobo,color,iris, strobo, that only uses one step.

but if you make a SHAPE with the pan/tilt windows, you can also use a overridebutton to start a shape.


Re: Buttons & Cues - not working?

Posted: July 26th, 2011, 3:19 am
by djtommye
Okay - that totally makes sense and is very helpful. I was looking for a feature that did that, and figured it would be the buttons. Good to know!

Okay - another question related to cues. It appears that the cues are working, but they aren't transmitting any dimmer info. So, I have to select the fixtures, then in the slider, set the dimmer.

Here's what I just discovered... I have some LED panels, and I have some test cues set up in the submaster list. When I activate the cue (although this particular cue isn't in the submaster list), the dimmer channel is 0 unless I raise it in the submaster. Maybe it's because I have other cues for those lights in the submaster channel?

Thanks for the help!!

Re: Buttons & Cues - not working?

Posted: July 26th, 2011, 4:58 pm
by Spirit
oke i do not realy understand what your saying but i will explain how the Submaster work.

Example for the led panels.
test sequence:
Step1 Dimmer full , red
step2 Dimmer full, blue
step3 Dimmer full , green
(you also need to program the dimmer otherwise it doesn't work with the submasters)
so it will switch between red, blue and green

now if you add the sequence to a cue now you save the cue and add it to a Submaster
now if you play the sequence with the submaster you will notice the light doesn't go on that's because the intensitie slider next to the submaster is off, so if you drag the intensitie slider up , and the light goes on.

so the slider next to a submaster is a intensitie slider.
this will work with a Intensite(dimmer) channel.
it will also work with red, green and blue channel if the led panel doesn't have a seprate intensitie(dimmer) channel, freestyler makes a Virtual dimmer for that.

Re: Buttons & Cues - not working?

Posted: July 27th, 2011, 12:19 am
by djtommye
Thanks for the explanation. That's perfect, for what I want to do.

However, my question is with the cues. I have sequences created (that affect all channels of a fixture), which are stored in the cue list. When I activate the cue, everything is there except for the dimmer channel, although it is set in the sequence. Any ideas? I have created a button that puts the intensity at full, but haven't tried it yet.

Re: Buttons & Cues - not working?

Posted: July 27th, 2011, 4:23 pm
by Spirit
strange it should work if you also have added the dimmer channel to the sequence.

maby you can make a Backupfile a upload it here so i can take a closer look at it.