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Chauvet Intimidator XYZ Fixture file, my first!

Posted: July 1st, 2011, 5:52 am
by joe.altamira
Hi There!!!!!! :fs:

I'n new in the Freestyler, but I try and try, broke my brain and got this, My first Fixture Configurations :ugeek: . here the instructions before install the pack.

1. considere this fixtures will be mounted on a couple of towers, this fixtures point to dancing space from dj escenario, the publick will watch the display in front, behind the cables to the dj place.
2. put your Pan#1, Pan #2 and tilt on 180° mode. (read the manual for this)
3. now you can use the Pan/Tilt Window in almos full mode, considering this is a fixture with extra Axis (z) this will be "disabled" but if you use the macro mode, this will turn on temporally, check how this can also be used like a normal moving head light.

i´d like receive your comnts if there is some to improve, please give me your feedback.


p.d. the best of the life is free, then share your knowledge... :lol: