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Evaluation of the Freestyler Bug Tracker

Posted: December 27th, 2010, 3:04 pm
Hey Folkes.

The new FreeStyler Bug Tracker has been online for some time now, and I want to hear what people think about it:

- What is good/great/awesome?
- too complicated?
- What could be better?
- Have you any problems?
- don't know how to use it?
- Any other ideas?

please, let me know. Post any comments here


Re: Evaluation of the Freestyler Bug Tracker

Posted: December 27th, 2010, 4:06 pm
by remco_k wrote: - What is good/great/awesome?
Start using such a thing, was the best idea.
- What could be better?
Most probably its a setting I didn't look for yet, but I get e-mails for bugs in FreeStyler 512/1024 and S2L.
Not that I'm not interested in FreeStyler, but I like to get e-mails for S2L only. :)
I find myself mass-deleting the FreeStyler e-mails, so making a mistake by accidentally deleting S2L e-mails is a risk then.
- Have you any problems?
Free me from the FreeStyler bug reports. :D
My head is full enough at the moment. ;)
- don't know how to use it?
Starting to get the hang of it.

Re: Evaluation of the Freestyler Bug Tracker

Posted: December 27th, 2010, 4:15 pm
remco_k wrote: Most probably its a setting I didn't look for yet, but I get e-mails for bugs in FreeStyler 512/1024 and S2L.
Not that I'm not interested in FreeStyler, but I like to get e-mails for S2L only. :)
I find myself mass-deleting the FreeStyler e-mails, so making a mistake by accidentally deleting S2L e-mails is a risk then.
When you made the user, the default setting was that you will get ALL reports notifications by email. I have changed that now for new users. you have to go to "my Account" --> "Preferences" and remove the checkmarks for the mails you don't want.. but because you are the developer of S2L you will always get mails for all changes made in the S2L project.....

Re: Evaluation of the Freestyler Bug Tracker

Posted: December 27th, 2010, 8:07 pm
by remco_k wrote:but because you are the developer of S2L you will always get mails for all changes made in the S2L project.....
Thats exactly what I want. I'll dive into it. Thx.

Re: Evaluation of the Freestyler Bug Tracker

Posted: December 27th, 2010, 9:27 pm
by GaryBonaducci
It's great! I believe MediaMonkey uses the same tracking system too. Only thing is all the emails, but I can change that anyway.

Re: Evaluation of the Freestyler Bug Tracker

Posted: December 30th, 2010, 10:22 pm
Spirit ( wrote:But i see now all the Fixed and NOT fixed Issue have the same color isn't it a idea to Seperate those two.
So you can see if a Issue have been Fixed or not.
I do not think I can do anything about this as it may be a choice of design in the mantis bugtracker. I will look into it

btw. please do not use the bug tracker for such comments. post any comments/suggestions regarding the bug tracker here.

Re: Evaluation of the Freestyler Bug Tracker

Posted: December 31st, 2010, 12:36 pm
by Spirit
Yes sorry about that.

But About the Bug tracker i works realy nice, and realy easy.
only all the mail ;) , But this have been solved.

Re: Evaluation of the Freestyler Bug Tracker

Posted: January 7th, 2011, 10:18 am
If people want/use their native language in the bugtracker I have some English text which is not translated to other language.

PM me if you want to translate it for me. I know I can use google translate but i'm not so sure it will translate it too well

Re: Evaluation of the Freestyler Bug Tracker

Posted: January 7th, 2011, 2:11 pm
by wardomon
I like the bug tracker/reporting system a lot. It's well thought out and easy to use. Instead of just using the software I can interact with it's developer and hopefully, help make it even more awesome. I feel useful.

Re: Evaluation of the Freestyler Bug Tracker

Posted: January 9th, 2011, 1:52 pm
by Mavi
I just registered to the bug tracker and I like it. But as a student of computer science I am familiar with those systems, and also worked with Mantis before.
But there is one thing I do not know if you want it that way or if it is kind of a bug: Normaly when you click a logo on a web page you will be redirected to the web page main-/home-/news-page. But if you click in the bug tracker you will be redirected to this forum. This is kind of unexpacted behavior for my. But if you want it that way, I can life with it.
And thank you for managing the bug reports You were realy fast in assigning my repot to someone!

Re: Evaluation of the Freestyler Bug Tracker

Posted: January 9th, 2011, 8:59 pm
Mavi wrote:But there is one thing I do not know if you want it that way or if it is kind of a bug: Normaly when you click a logo on a web page you will be redirected to the web page main-/home-/news-page. But if you click in the bug tracker you will be redirected to this forum. This is kind of unexpacted behavior for my. But if you want it that way, I can life with it.

it was intentional but I see your point and the logic. I have changed it now, thanks sharing
Mavi wrote:And thank you for managing the bug reports You were realy fast in assigning my repot to someone!
The issue reports could be assigned to Raph automatically. the reason that is not happen, is that i want to filter out issues, that is already reported, cant under stand the report, not relevant or other. thus Raph don't have to spend his time on that and can use it to make FS better :lol: :fs:
But I'm glad you think I react quickly to handle the issues.
wardomon wrote:Instead of just using the software I can interact with it's developer and hopefully, help make it even more awesome. I feel useful.
That's the whole idea with this forum and the bug tracker... I'm glad you think you feel useful because you and other users who write posts, bug reports and/or feature requests are very useful!!!!! this is what makes FS and the FS community so great. If it wasn't for you guy's there was no neeed for a bug tracker, and raph had to find all issue him self and that is a pain.

Re: Evaluation of the Freestyler Bug Tracker

Posted: January 9th, 2011, 9:30 pm
by Mavi wrote:
Mavi wrote:And thank you for managing the bug reports You were realy fast in assigning my repot to someone!
The issue report could be assigned to Raph automatically. the reason that is not happen, is that i want to filter out issues, that is already reported, cant under stand the report, not relevant or other. thus Raph don't have to spend his time on that and can use it to make FS better :lol: :fs:
But I'm glad you think I react quickly to handle the issues.
And that is exactly what I appreciate! You do this work although you do not have to :)

Re: Evaluation of the Freestyler Bug Tracker

Posted: January 17th, 2011, 5:06 pm
by Spirit
hello there is a new status : under consideration if i translate it i can understand what it means.
But is there anything i can do or do i just need to wait until he the status changes to : confirmed.

Re: Evaluation of the Freestyler Bug Tracker

Posted: January 17th, 2011, 9:44 pm
by wrote: [.....]
* Under consideration
This status is primary for feature requests but can also be used for reported bug issues. When a feature request/Issue in in this state it means the developers is considering it or looking into how it could be implemented. The next status can be "confirmed", "assigned" or "resolved". If closed the resolution is primary set to "won't fix" or "fixed"
no, there is nothing you have to do unless you think you have additional into to the developer. If that is the case, you can add then by writing a note to the request. If the developers need more info they will change the status to "Feedback".

Re: Evaluation of the Freestyler Bug Tracker

Posted: March 28th, 2011, 5:23 pm
by Spirit
Regarding Issue
i think i do understand at the moment what went wrong.
thats because i could not select Version 3.3.9 all the time only 3.3.8 or lower, so i look't back at what does Resolved exactly means, and in Dutch it means it have been Fixed.
But i will PM you or ask if you can add newer vesion.

But also raph needs to set the status to Resovled if he thinks the bug have been fixed but not tested by the Reporter? so i can give feedback or Close the issue

Re: Evaluation of the Freestyler Bug Tracker

Posted: April 6th, 2011, 5:19 pm
by Mavi
I just have a very few free time at the moment, that is why you will not see me active at the forum momentanly.

I have a little problem about
You ( asked me to confirm the problem is solved. I tested and came up with a little bug: If you resize the window to full screen mode the right list for pictures will be resized to. If you resize the window back again, the list will not resize back and therefore lay in front of other elements.
I would like to add this as a note, but the field to add notes is not shown to me anymore. Could this be, becouse the status is changed to "resolved" and resolution set to "fixed" allready?

Re: Evaluation of the Freestyler Bug Tracker

Posted: June 16th, 2011, 12:27 pm
is there anyone who wanna make a logo for the bug tracker?

perhaps something similar to the wiki logo or the Freestyler wesite... or a ugly (killed) bug? :lol:

or both... or something else