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Font size change in SunTrix

Posted: August 26th, 2010, 7:23 pm
by Boycordoba
Is there a way to change the font size in SunTrix just like in LedTrix?

Probably modifying the font file?

If there's no way of doing so now, it'd be cool to have that option added.


Re: Font size change in SunTrix

Posted: August 27th, 2010, 9:20 am
use the Ideas and Remarks forum for that.

As it is now, the bug tracker is only for issues within Freestyler and related programs. That is what raph, Dj_Support and me have agreed.

Re: Font size change in SunTrix

Posted: August 27th, 2010, 11:11 pm
by Boycordoba
Thanks for your reply.

Anyway, my post was not a bug report or some random idea or remark, the reason for my post was asking if there is a way of changing the font size whitin the SunTrix Plugin... and that is something you did not answer. I thought the forum was here for us to ask our fellow FS users and/or developer and friends the things we were not sure about or just to clear any doubts we might have.

The sugestion to add the feature -in case it is not there already- is just second to the actual question. If somebody tells me that there's no way of doing just that, I'll be more than happy to post the suggestion under "Ideas and Remarks".

Thanks again.


Re: Font size change in SunTrix

Posted: August 28th, 2010, 4:52 pm
Hi Boycordoba

I'm sorry you felt that you did not get an answer to your question

the thing is my post is taken out of a context. There was a post before mine that said that what you asked for is not possible but you should report a feature request in the bug tracker system. Someone (a administrator or moderator) have deleted that post. My respond was to that post and not yours.

to answer your question:
I dont believe there is any way to change the font size in SunTrix. I don't know why this feature is only implemented for LedTrix. However it should not be a difficult task to Raph (the developer) to implement this in the next release, but i'm not sure.

I think you should tro to write raph and ask him, if the font size feature would make a difference to you. use the form below to contact him.


I hope you got your answer and my first post makes a bit more sense now. if not,, feel free to ask again :)

Re: Font size change in SunTrix

Posted: September 7th, 2010, 8:41 pm
by Boycordoba
Thanks man! I will write to Raph then. I've already been in contact with him due to other things, specially regarding adding the interface I'm building to the list of interfaces compatible with FS.


Re: Font size change in SunTrix

Posted: March 2nd, 2011, 9:15 pm
by musiclee
i too would LOVE to be able to change font size is SunTrix

i have an 8x32 matrix
and most fonts are too big vertically

thanks so much...