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Chauvet Intimedators Master/Slave how set slave pan reverse

Posted: July 30th, 2010, 7:58 am
by Hashbrown
A little off the subject....... I have two chauvet Intimedators 2.0
I would like to use them master slave and the slave's pan only to
be reversed to create the mirrored look. I called chauvet tech support
they say that there is nothing in the manual that explains it so it is
not possible. I think it is because the tech guy has never owned a
dmx light in his life. Can anyone help me out with the correct
dip switch code for the slave to make this work. Thank you and
I look forward to hearing from you.

Re: Chauvet Intimedators Master/Slave how set slave pan reve

Posted: July 30th, 2010, 10:09 am
by remco_k
This is the manual: ... ug-142.pdf

I've looked across it. 9 dip switches control the DMX channel, the 10th controls what they call "option". Whatever that is.
Reverse pan in master/slave mode is'nt mentioned. Even any settings for master/slave mode is'nt mentioned. So what makes you think it is possible?
Given the information from the manual and some healthy brain work I'd say there is no way of reversing the pan in master/slave mode.

Want more control over your scanners? Then don't use master/slave mode and start using a (hard- or software) DMX controller - there you can control just about anything you want.

Re: Chauvet Intimedators Master/Slave how set slave pan reve

Posted: July 31st, 2010, 5:08 pm
by Hashbrown
It is possible.. I played with it long enough. It is the 10th switch. It will run, as slave it reverses the pan and tilt every so often in auto but I still can't seem to control the slave via the master while controlled manually from my control board. I would be fine with that if I was using software and a dingle or something. More control with sweeps and smoother transitions.

Re: Chauvet Intimedators Master/Slave how set slave pan reve

Posted: August 1st, 2010, 9:16 am
Hashbrown wrote:It is possible.. I played with it long enough. It is the 10th switch. It will run, as slave it reverses the pan and tilt every so often in auto but I still can't seem to control the slave via the master while controlled manually from my control board. I would be fine with that if I was using software and a dingle or something. More control with sweeps and smoother transitions.
when you control your lights from a light desk/controller there is no slave nor master.. the fixture is in DMX mode and not in slave mode. you may have right about the reverse pan/tilt feature when the fixtures are running in Auto Master/slave mode (which is preprogrammed chasers), but that doesn't mean they can do that in DMX mode. if dipswitch #10 dont have any effect when running the fixtures in DMX mode, i really dont think they can reverse the pan/tilt when controlling them by desk/controller. As remco_k and chauvet tech support said there is no info about this in the manual, thus the feature may not be there

maybe your controller has a reverse pan/tilt feature you can use (if you not use FS which can do that)

Re: Chauvet Intimedators Master/Slave how set slave pan reve

Posted: August 1st, 2010, 3:21 pm
by remco_k
Hashbrown wrote: while controlled manually from my control board
What type/model/brand of control board is that? A DMX controler or some brand specific customized protocol?