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Midi problems - 127 vs 255 values.

Posted: June 24th, 2010, 4:16 pm
by ssscubells
Hello, I'm new in FS and I'm triying to use it with a midi controler: Korg nanokontrol.
When i try to use it I only get it to go to 127 value (the midi limit) but I also get 127 value in DMX.
How do I tell FS to assing 255 value when midi gives 127?
I've been reading trhough the forum a bit but I don't find something about it.
I'm sure that is something to easy to be commented here, but I don't know how to do it.

Can you give me some clue?

I've looked also in the FS help but in the MIDI setup I don't get the button "assing note" but a "edit" button instead.

Thanks in advance.

Re: Midi problems - 127 vs 255 values.

Posted: June 24th, 2010, 8:36 pm

FS should automatically adapt the 128 MIDI values to 256 DMX values. as you you already told us there is no other topics about this issue because it seems no other has this problem.... try to explain exactly what you do and exactly what happens. then we have a better chance to help you out

Re: Midi problems - 127 vs 255 values.

Posted: June 28th, 2010, 1:24 pm
by ssscubells

I've been working with it this weekend and you were right. The faders and the knobs work well, but using one of the toogle buttons seting it to "next color" it didn't went the whole 255 values through. Can this be because the colors in this chanel just go to something like 120 and then starts rainbow effect? I was using 2 Coemar Ispot 525 MB.
I have to say that I'm also starting with freestyler and sometimes I get myself in some mess.

The NanoKontrol works well for the size and price, but not having motorized faders don't help using diferent sets of scenes.

I will be learning more about this amazing software.

Re: Midi problems - 127 vs 255 values.

Posted: June 28th, 2010, 9:10 pm
buttons are not meant to be used for the functions in the blue boxes in the midi setup. these are for faders and knobs.. buttons are used to toggle between functions like open a specific windows, toggle the blackout on and off, select a group of fixtures and so on. when FS receive a midi value above 126 on a for a these functions it will toggle them on/off. when a new value above 126 is received it will toggle it back off/on