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How to use MIDI properly with buttons

Posted: March 15th, 2010, 10:28 pm
by apprenti bidouille
Hello !

I would like to use my Novation Zero SL MK II with freestyler... But I have small problems..

I want to use buttons to trigger my sequences. It works but I have problem with the LED feedback...
In fact, if I understood it well, Freestyler memorizes a MIDI note and velocity level. It expects this exact combination to trigger on AND off the sequence.
On my interface, I can specify how i want my buttons to react :
Normal : Pressing the button plays the note indefinetely.
Toggle : I can alternate between two values (typically 0 and 127)
Momentary : The note is played only when I press the button.

Momentary would be the best mode I think. But then, the LED button only gets lit the moment I press the button... and switches off the moment after, even if the sequence is playing.

I would like the LED button to stay ON while the sequence is playing. It should be possible since if I press with my mouse the button directly in the interface to switch on or off the sequence, it updates the LED exactly as I want : ON if the sequence is played, OFF if not.

Can someone help me ?

Thanks a lot !

Re: How to use MIDI properly with buttons

Posted: March 15th, 2010, 10:40 pm
by apprenti bidouille
I am so sorry... (but also so happy !)

The minute I sent my message, it began to work... I don't know why ! I tried for 2 hours and the minute I clicked on "post", it worked ! Can't believe it !

Sorry for the useless post...

Re: How to use MIDI properly with buttons

Posted: March 16th, 2010, 7:29 pm
by dmxlighting
Not a useless post, but as I read the first post I was thinking it is the device and not FS that was the problem.
If I do this on my bcf it works just fine! Although if the LED did not stay lit while I hold the button down I probably would not notice!