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'Easy view' crashes while playing video on a screen

Posted: March 6th, 2010, 7:46 pm
by Secorion
If i will playback a video on a screen, the whole 'easy view' crashes after 2-3 sec. means, the graphic freezes and the sound continues. I've used an .avi, in diffrent sizes..

any tricks how i can keep the video (and the whole app) running?

(sorry for my bad english...^^)

Re: 'Easy view' crashes while playing video on a screen

Posted: March 6th, 2010, 8:10 pm
by Shannon D
Hi Secorion,

Welcome to the forum. You need to be more specific about your problem. Are you trying to play videos from another program while Freestyler and the 3D visualizer is running? If so, it sounds like your computer does not have enough horsepower. If this is not the case, tell us more.

Re: 'Easy view' crashes while playing video on a screen

Posted: March 6th, 2010, 9:14 pm
by Secorion
the power of my system is not the problem, i'm sure.

my problem comes up in magic 3d easy view, v.30.5.09.
I added a plasma screen on the stage. and i will play a clip on it. when i set the textures in the 'color' tab to video, the screen starts to play the selected .avi or .mpg, i tried both. after a few seconds, the whole program crashes.
that's it... did anyone made some experiences with playing videos in 'magic3D'?

Re: 'Easy view' crashes while playing video on a screen

Posted: March 7th, 2010, 9:48 am
by Onge
It's not something I do. Even though I use video a lot in my shows, venue size permitting. I do not use it in the visualiser.
I only use the visualiser to check my programming, I do not worry about colours or gobos, just about positioning of the beams and to see if the movements are correct. I do use the visualiser as a full blown simulator.

You might needed to update some video codecs.

Re: 'Easy view' crashes while playing video on a screen

Posted: March 7th, 2010, 12:21 pm
by dmxlighting
Magic 3d is very procesor intensive, even if your pc is top notch I would NOT want to run video in it.
Magic is constantly rendering the images you see and the more info you want to display the harder the PC has to work.
I found, while using Magic to create a 'look' for a bowling alley, that the more objects etc that I placed the slower everything got and also the dmx response into Magic was very slow.

Re: 'Easy view' crashes while playing video on a screen

Posted: March 7th, 2010, 12:39 pm
by Shannon D
yeah, what Lee said. If you want your visualizer to simulate the lights to best of its ability without making the cpu work harder, keep the stage and surroundings very simple and basic.

Re: 'Easy view' crashes while playing video on a screen

Posted: March 7th, 2010, 12:53 pm
by Onge
Shannon D wrote:yeah, what Lee said. If you want your visualizer to simulate the lights to best of its ability without making the cpu work harder, keep the stage and surroundings very simple and basic.
I agree with all of that and what dmxlighting said.

I have a square/rectangle box as the viewing area (stage) and then a stage roughly the size that the band will be playing on, I then just magically "float" the lights to the positions I would be putting them. I use no truss or anything else other than the stage and the fixtures. Looks poo but I am not after a relistic visualisation, if I was I would most probably use WYSIWYG, Capture or LightConverse. I certainly would not be using Magic 3D Easy View or 3D Virtual Simulator (Daslight version of same product).