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Rubbish Saturday night

Posted: January 23rd, 2010, 9:12 pm
by dmxlighting
Another rubbish Saturday night indoors.
There was a time when I would be out every weekend fri/sat/sun. Gig, gig, gig and I loved it! (money was nice too)
These days there is not enough work about or is it that im getting older and not out there chasing the work like I used to?

Still saturday nights are rubbish and I have saturday night TV - its shit!

Rant over.

Re: Rubbish Saturday night

Posted: January 23rd, 2010, 10:25 pm
by Shannon D
It will be ok. You just have gig fever and it's got you feeling a lil down :( I'm stuck 160 miles offshore at work for 4 more days and have it too. I'd much rather be at a gig. I don't watch much tv, so can't help ya there. Now might be a good time to take some lights apart and clean those fans and blow some dust out :mrgreen: Not that fun of a thing to do, but that's the perfect time to do a lil maintenance on your gear. Just an idea. Take care.

Re: Rubbish Saturday night

Posted: January 25th, 2010, 7:36 pm
by dmxlighting
Shannon D wrote:It will be ok. You just have gig fever and it's got you feeling a lil down :( I'm stuck 160 miles offshore at work for 4 more days and have it too. I'd much rather be at a gig. I don't watch much tv, so can't help ya there. Now might be a good time to take some lights apart and clean those fans and blow some dust out :mrgreen: Not that fun of a thing to do, but that's the perfect time to do a lil maintenance on your gear. Just an idea. Take care.

Maintainence is all done. Kit all preped up and ready to go. Ive even polised up the 1 meter mirror ball (and replaced the missing fasets).
Could rebuild some more moving heads that I saved from the bin (I fit out clubs with av and save the old stuff for me :mrgreen: ) but not much point
when I have 12 working heads that are doing bugger all this month.

Still some 'light' at the end of the tunnel, Ive got the chance to quote for some really interesting work for the summer. If it comes off I will tell you all about it. :mrgreen:

Re: Rubbish Saturday night

Posted: January 25th, 2010, 7:49 pm
by Shannon D
....I have 12 working heads..... :o
OK, I'm Jealous

I only have 4 moving heads and 2 scanners :( Well, and some LED stuff too ;)

I feel GAS building up... :mrgreen:

Re: Rubbish Saturday night

Posted: January 25th, 2010, 8:13 pm
by dmxlighting
I could list all the kit but.............

Lets say I have around 60 dmx fixtures and 40 meters of trussing.......... ......... .......

Re: Rubbish Saturday night

Posted: January 25th, 2010, 8:24 pm
by Shannon D
Lets say I have around 60 dmx fixtures and 40 meters of trussing.....
Holy Smoke!!

OK, If I win the lottery, I'm going hang out with you! Well, if you invite me :D

And if I win the lottery, I can have 60 dmx fixtures and 40 meters of trussing too :mrgreen:

You have all that gear and your not posting pictures? Come on.... show us what you got!!

Re: Rubbish Saturday night

Posted: January 25th, 2010, 9:37 pm
by dmxlighting
OK here are a few from a birthday party last year. Ive got loads of others but I cant get onto my nas drive for some reason and they mostly all live on there.

Kit shown -

3x3x3 meter quad truss cube
12 Abstract VRX scans
1 Martin Atomic
1 Antari Z3000 Fogger

Not in shot was my Turbo Sound Flood Light Series sound system (about 10k of it)

Re: Rubbish Saturday night

Posted: January 25th, 2010, 9:46 pm
by Shannon D
You should be proud! Looks outstanding! I had to zoom in just to see if wires were connected. Awesome. Show us more, PLEASE, PLEASE!

Re: Rubbish Saturday night

Posted: January 25th, 2010, 10:05 pm
by dmxlighting
yeah I will do.

This is my train set (deprived as a child). I am really lucky that in my day job I get hold of loads of unwanted kit that is being replaced.
I could not afford to buy from new ALL the kit I have. I do spend quite a bit on new kit as I need it but a large part of my fleet has been rebuild from faulty / unwanted fixtures.

MY current fleet ....

18 x Abstavt VRX SR scans
4 x Abstact VRX GR gladiators (barrel mirrors)
8 x Abstarct VRX CR colours changers
8 x PR Pilot 150 heads
4 x EVL Spot 150 heads
2 x Eye Color LED Heads (wash)
2 x Unbranded LED Blinders (very very bright)
4 x Chauvet Color Strips
8 x Showtec Par56 LED Cans
2 x Colour Wave 250 (gives a water effect)
4 x Abstract Twister 4 (moon flower effects)
18 x Pinspots, 12 regular Par 56s plus 24 dimming channels over 4 packs
1x Chauvet Hazer
1 x Antari fogger
1x Zero 88 Leap Frog 48 desk
Various mirror balls
40 meters of truss and various corners / junctions

I also have a further 20 VRX sr's and 15 VRX cr's and 2 pilot 150's in bits for spares or awaiting repairs

Re: Rubbish Saturday night

Posted: January 25th, 2010, 10:27 pm
:o wow,, i must say :shock:

do you never use FSto control it? or is FS just for fun?

Re: Rubbish Saturday night

Posted: January 25th, 2010, 10:45 pm
by Shannon D
That's alot of toys. Much better than a train set I must say. You must have a warehouse to store all this in?? I know I take up two rooms in my house with drums, PA and lighting. One room has my drums and some PA set up for practicing and the other is just storage. We are about to start building a new house and my music room will be somewhat larger than what I have now. :mrgreen:

Having a job that you can acquire some of this stuff is a big plus. If it wasn't for ebay, I probably wouldn't have half the stuff I have. The local music stores seem to rape everyone.

I hope you have lots of help for setup and tear down. For me, I have my wife, brother-in-law and one of my guitar players. None of them understand FS, but atleast they help with setup and tear down. I can't wait until my sons are older, so I can get them involved.

Re: Rubbish Saturday night

Posted: January 25th, 2010, 10:46 pm
by dmxlighting
I have done and will more now but WE are not allowed to talk about that, yet.

I mainly use FS at work for testing rigs / fixtures / programming martin 2510's and some teaching ive done in the past.

I think FS is alot more stable now and I have used it on some smaller gigs.

Re: Rubbish Saturday night

Posted: January 26th, 2010, 5:06 am
by stuv
your gear list inspired me to start this topic: ... =14&t=1965
:D :fs: