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Love the new addition of the Forum!

Posted: December 31st, 2009, 12:59 pm
by Randy A
I think this addition would be very beneficial to many users of Freestyler. It was one thing that I commented on thru the Feedback Survey.

Personally, I think if someone is requesting a fixture to be created, that they should be required to at least link a Manual with the fixture or include all the channel details at the initial request post.


Re: Love the new addition of the Forum!

Posted: December 31st, 2009, 1:34 pm
yes, give as much information of the fixture as possible, then there is a bigger chanhce.

with that siad, I still reccomend people to learn how to make fixtures by them self. If you get a new fixture and want to use it for a gig the same or next day, you cant expect to get it from this forum in time to test it before it is to late (if you even get one)... Unless you make it yourself.

In the beginning I thought making a fixture was confusing and time consuming, now I make/configure all fixtures I am using , making extra macros, and changing some of the values, so the fixtures satisfy my (special) needs. The bonus is you learn more about the DMX512 protocol and how it is working and "talking" with the fixtures

Re: Love the new addition of the Forum!

Posted: December 31st, 2009, 1:46 pm
by Randy A wrote:yes, give as much information of the fixture as possible, then there is a bigger chanhce.

with that siad, I still reccomend people to learn how to make fixtures by them self. If you get a new fixture and want to use it for a gig the same or next day, you cant expect to get it from this forum in time to test it before it is to late (if you even get one)... Unless you make it yourself.

In the beginning I thought making a fixture was confusing and time consuming, now I make/configure all fixtures I am using , making extra macros, and changing some of the values, so the fixtures satisfy my (special) needs. The bonus is you learn more about the DMX512 protocol and how it is working and "talking" with the fixtures

I haven't had to dive into Fixture Creation yet, but I tend to catch on fairly quick to things. I just recently added my Martin Acrobats to FS and just using it in 3D view, I can't seem to see where I can adjust the colors using the default fixture files in FS, but that's another post.

Thanks for all the time you give here at FS!

Re: Love the new addition of the Forum!

Posted: January 1st, 2010, 9:03 am
by remco_k
Well, there is a standard and thats DMX 512-A :mrgreen:
Like you all said: understanding the basics and somewhat more is required (i think) if you want to be a light operator (with any console or software). And if you do understand, creating a fixture file for any fixture will never be a problem. Maybe the first one will take some time to get there, but once you get the hang of it... Its easy.

If I do a gig somewhere, everything is rented in. Except for one thing: my laptop with FreeStyler and Enttec DMX USB Pro.
The weeks before I advice the organizers about what lights they should rent for that particular situation. (and advice the audio section as well).
I'll give them what brands and models to rent.

They order correctly, but for example sometimes on the day the equipment arrives (which is most of the time the day of the gig) it turns out that all the moving heads are from a different brand or model - ofcourse not listed in FS (for which I've made sequences in the days before, so they can go to a dark section...). Being able to create a fixture file for those "unknown" devices within like 10 minutes with ten people "waiting" for you is really required. Ofcourse without fancy gobo images and maybe without the correct colors.

With that opinion in mind, I believe everyone should at least try hard to create their fixture files themselves. Or, when they ask here, give all the info needed and afterwards they should try to understand what people have made (if someone actually did :mrgreen: ).
That last part is a key thing. If you can't (or don't want to) understand a fixture file which was already created...? I would almost say: "what were you doing with lights in the first place?". But maybe that is a bit to harsh.

Stil this new section is good. It gives people a change to be lazy in the first place. They might get help and therefore they might be triggered to find out more.
But still I hope everyone at least tries to create the fixture file themselved.

Re: Love the new addition of the Forum!

Posted: January 1st, 2010, 12:48 pm
by dmxlighting
remco_k wrote:Well, there is a standard and thats DMX 512-A :mrgreen:
Like you all said: understanding the basics and somewhat more is required (i think) if you want to be a light operator (with any console or software). And if you do understand, creating a fixture file for any fixture will never be a problem. Maybe the first one will take some time to get there, but once you get the hang of it... Its easy.

If I do a gig somewhere, everything is rented in. Except for one thing: my laptop with FreeStyler and Enttec DMX USB Pro.
The weeks before I advice the organizers about what lights they should rent for that particular situation. (and advice the audio section as well).
I'll give them what brands and models to rent.

They order correctly, but for example sometimes on the day the equipment arrives (which is most of the time the day of the gig) it turns out that all the moving heads are from a different brand or model - ofcourse not listed in FS (for which I've made sequences in the days before, so they can go to a dark section...). Being able to create a fixture file for those "unknown" devices within like 10 minutes with ten people "waiting" for you is really required. Ofcourse without fancy gobo images and maybe without the correct colors.

With that opinion in mind, I believe everyone should at least try hard to create their fixture files themselves. Or, when they ask here, give all the info needed and afterwards they should try to understand what people have made (if someone actually did :mrgreen: ).
That last part is a key thing. If you can't (or don't want to) understand a fixture file which was already created...? I would almost say: "what were you doing with lights in the first place?". But maybe that is a bit to harsh.

Stil this new section is good. It gives people a change to be lazy in the first place. They might get help and therefore they might be triggered to find out more.
But still I hope everyone at least tries to create the fixture file themselved.
Id have to agree with what Remco say's here.

Even if you own a bunch of lights and know how to playback some sequencies in FS (or off a hardware board), this does not make you a lightjocky or a lighting director. You really do need to understand so much more, it will help so much with programming your lights.

Its well worth looking at the DMX Wiki as there is lots to learn about on there.

Re: Love the new addition of the Forum!

Posted: January 1st, 2010, 2:05 pm
by Randy A
I'm trying to learn the Fixture Creator.....since I do understand DMX pretty well, I think I have a handle on most of it because it's pretty straight forward and I think most people in general will/would be able to start to grasp it. I think this new section is great for those that don't have a clue and just don't understand the concepts behind DMX programming.

And, yes, it would be super-duper-cool for all manufactures to have to follow some sort of 'standard' when putting lighting channels together like Ogne mentioned.

Again, Thanks To All who may venture out of the comfort level and help the noobs in this section. ;)