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Chauvet DMX-3F

Posted: August 15th, 2007, 7:24 pm
by djotherguy
I tried to make the file for the Chauvet DMX-3F, which makes my fog machine DMX. It didn't work. It is 4 channel.

Channel 1 - Power 0 - 255, off - timer - manual
Channel 2 - Interval 0 -255, 0 to 4 minutes
Channel 3 - Duration 0 - 255, 0 to 15 seconds
Channel 4 - Volume (amount of fog) 0 - 255, minimum to maximum

Anybody have this file? I would really appreciate it!



Re: Chauvet DMX-3F

Posted: August 15th, 2007, 9:43 pm
by Mattotone
Can you explain what you mean "it doesn't work" The fixture not import? You are unable to make a fixture file? The fogger is not responding to your fixture?
Does any of the functions work? Its quite a vague description, but could be a number of issues.

Incorrect addressing.
dmx polarity.

How i would program the fixture is as follows.
Enter Fixture Name, Manufacture and insert an image.
Select "unit is a fogger"
set 4 unit as four channels.
set the description of each channel.

set the fog level ch to 4.
and thats all id configure.

Then in freestyler set the startup scene to turn the fogger into the manual position.
Then use freestylers fogger tool to control the fogger.


Re: Chauvet DMX-3F

Posted: August 15th, 2007, 11:35 pm
by cantyco
I actualy use this in freestlyer so i know it can be done.

I did it slightly different to what mattotone has suggested, is in the fixture i set the level chanel to 1 and the fan to channel 4.

The way mine is set i basicaly control it manualy and use the timer etc inbult in the dmx-3f really rather then using the built in fogger function in freestyler that has its own timer.

This was the first fixture i created in freestyler so it wasent perfect,

i would suggest at least trying what mattotone has said, but however i have attached my fixture file incase you have any problems and are interested in the way i set it up.. it might be worth trying both and seeing what works best for you.


Re: Chauvet DMX-3F

Posted: August 16th, 2007, 4:23 am
by djotherguy
I'm sorry, Matt. I guess I was pretty vague! It doesn't fire off any smoke. I'm pretty sure the DMX was right. I'm going to use it again on Friday night. I'll try what you and Tim suggested and let you know what happens.



Re: Chauvet DMX-3F

Posted: August 16th, 2007, 7:59 am
by cantyco

one other thing i would suggest doing is when your testing fixtures and stuff have the "show output screen open, it can be found on the edit menu in freestyler,.

That way you can see how freestlyer in interacting with the fixture, that way you can see what it is trying to output down the dmx line.


Re: Chauvet DMX-3F

Posted: August 16th, 2007, 11:59 am
by Mattotone
cantyco wrote:I actualy use this in freestlyer so i know it can be done.
Did you require any cross over cables, or different addressing modes?


Re: Chauvet DMX-3F

Posted: August 16th, 2007, 12:07 pm
by cantyco
No this just works straight off without any special cables or anything.
