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Stuff For Sale - Please Read

Posted: May 18th, 2009, 9:46 pm
by dmxlighting
Hi All

Im hoping that Adam (DJsupport) and myself can launch a Classified Ads section for FS forum members to buy and sell used lighting and releated kit.
It would be a free service to allow members to sell bits of unwanted kit and NOT a place for commercial sellers to tout their wares for free.

Before getting to deep into it, I thought it would be a good idea to gauge what interest there would be for this and if anyone had any comments about it.

Let us know what you think...........................

Re: Stuff For Sale - Please Read

Posted: May 19th, 2009, 3:53 am
by matt
We tried this once already. Due to Lack of Interest, It was not maintained and now is offline.

We now recommend Ebay! lol

Re: Stuff For Sale - Please Read

Posted: May 19th, 2009, 3:56 am
by matt
Opps. Looks like the database got deleted too..

Re: Stuff For Sale - Please Read

Posted: May 25th, 2009, 9:03 pm
by dmxlighting
Ok so if unlike Matt you would be interested in buying and selling some used kit please add some comments below.
I have already chatted to Adam about this and have offered my time in helping run it.

I realise that Ebay is a favorite place to do this but this would be a fee free place to trade between FS users.

My ideas so far are to have a list of kit for sale and a list of kit wanted.
Ive seen this work really well on other related forums so why not here too.

As the forum is getting really busy I think there would be more support for it now. It does need YOUR support to work at all!
Please dont just dismiss the idea.

Re: Stuff For Sale - Please Read

Posted: May 26th, 2009, 11:04 am
by Mattotone
It may work, if we had a larger user base.
A simple classifieds section in the forum is all we need. one for sale, one for wanted.

take a look at

Re: Stuff For Sale - Please Read

Posted: May 26th, 2009, 10:53 pm
by dmxlighting
Mattotone wrote:It may work, if we had a larger user base.
A simple classifieds section in the forum is all we need. one for sale, one for wanted.

take a look at
That is indeed all that is need!
Obviously it would be better to have a larger user base but I still think it would work.
I think the reason it didn't work before is that it was a separte link from the forum home page. I never visit that page myself, i just go straight to the forum.
Perhaps then we could have a trial run for a few months on the main forum.
As you say one thread for 'For Sale' and one for 'Wanted'
Ive got quite a bit of old kit I no longer use / want. Id rather offer it up to fellow FS users for a good price than list it on Fleebay.

Re: Stuff For Sale - Please Read

Posted: May 27th, 2009, 7:43 pm
by dmxlighting
Sound ideas and comments from Onge!
Some if not all the things you metion could be incorporated into the rules for this area.