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DMX 400

Posted: July 25th, 2007, 5:51 pm
by p.k.roberts
I often use the DMX 400 'chaser' but there are a couple of things that I think would make it it a bit more user friendly. I would really like it if, after closing down and restarting the computer, the window opened as I last left it rather than at the default values. I would also find it useful if the controls, particularly the sliders, showed up with a bit more contrast. Finally, if I were looking for a luxury feature, it would be a 'Tap-Time' control.
Just a few suggestions. Thanks, as ever, for the great software!

Re: DMX 400

Posted: July 26th, 2007, 1:34 pm
by Mattotone
Tap tempo has already been included, this can be found on the cue manager, midi implementation and keyboard shortcut.
The tap tempo control, is a global tempo which affects cues and the dmx 400. The dmx400 can also be sound controlled.
Kind regards

Re: DMX 400

Posted: July 26th, 2007, 1:40 pm
by p.k.roberts
I knew about the tap-time in the Cue Manager, but didn't realise it was global - cheers for the tip!

Re: DMX 400

Posted: August 3rd, 2011, 6:51 pm
by Floyd1998
Hi sorry to reopen an old post but I'm a beginer with Freestyler and just have a question about DMX400.
I use a Multidim MKII from Showtec with Par Can's and I have created Fixture working fine with the DMX 400 control in Freestyler.


How is it possible to improve the switching mode of a channel?
If you put the fade at 10% and speed at 0% it is the maximum than you can do without having all the lights continuously on.
How is it possible to change the fade cursor level ?
My idea is that at 0% fade the value are switching from 0 to 255 wthout passing all the value 0,1,2,3,..., 253,254,255
At this moment I understand that he Fade cursor control the speed for passing from 0 to 255 and it's to slow for me I still have a fade efect regarding the CX4 command i was using until now

Thanks by advance