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FS Language Support & Translation

Posted: February 3rd, 2009, 9:24 am
by Mike Vaghur

I'm working with FS in Russia almost over a 3 years.
Since the first time I used this software so many improvements have been made.
And I want to ask about possibility of language localisation for FS:
if it has support of another languages, I could help with translation 2 Russian.
So if have any ideas don't hesitate to be in touch with me.

Re: FS Language Support & Translation

Posted: February 3rd, 2009, 3:56 pm
by kikabyte
I would assume language packs would need to be produced and selected by the user on startup. It doesn't affect me, but I do think it would help freestyler spread further around the world!

Re: FS Language Support & Translation

Posted: May 7th, 2009, 9:43 am
by Christian_Thomas
This user has deleted his posts from the forum and having a big mouth towards everyone.
He received a permanent ban for it in return.

Re: FS Language Support & Translation

Posted: May 7th, 2009, 10:10 am
by remco_k
Development is currently focussing on more important things of freestyler, like stability and better/new functionality.
Just received another Beta 3 days ago.
Its english now, wich should be a known language around the world.

I don't know if Raph is going to implement language packs in the future. Thats his choice. I will support that and if needed help with that.
But keeping multilanguage software up-to date for all languages is a pain in the ass (costs time, losts of it), I can say from experience.

But in priority, I think its low.

Re: FS Language Support & Translation

Posted: May 7th, 2009, 10:22 am
Well said, Remco

a alternative is to translate the help file to serveal languages,,, maybe this will help people (who dont understand english very well) to understand how the diffrent buttons and menues are working.

Re: FS Language Support & Translation

Posted: May 7th, 2009, 1:30 pm
by aquas
it is an option...Only the help file, i think some people did not ask for help, if understand well the help file...


Re: FS Language Support & Translation

Posted: May 7th, 2009, 3:04 pm
by remco_k
aquas wrote:it is an option...Only the help file, i think some people did not ask for help, if understand well the help file...

Its indeed a good option to make the help file multilangual, or make several versions of it. (freestyler_EN.hlp, freestyler_DE.hlp ...)
But I think the main problem is that there is a great group of users (please don't feel addressed, I don't mean to do so) not reading the help file at all, trying things and then without looking any further going to ask it here.
I wonder if the help file was in their native language, that it worked out better.

Lets take it back to the real light desks. I think we can state that all older desks (those without TFT screen in it) are fully english, always.
Then there's the newer desks, with TFT screens in it. They come most of the time with more language options, but still the prints on desk itself are always english. The only things that come fully translated, if lucky in your native language, are the manuals.
I can tell you, worked with SGM and Avolites. NONE were in my native language, that goes for the hardware itself as for the manuals. (Dutch - NL)
And I don't bother. Hence I find my english not as good as I want it to be. Since I'm using those desks and FreeStyler and posting on this forum my knowledge of the english language has boosted bigtime (and yet I'm way over 30 years old), wich is a good thing and should be for everybody.
I think anybody, worldwide, should be able to understand some basic english.
Translating everything to everybodies native language, makes people lazy, not learning any english anymore (may I say that?) :mrgreen:
In fact, I think that these type of projects like FreeStyler makes people realize how important it is to speak/understand another language like english.
In fact, my lovely 5 year old doughter is learning a little english already, by watching a TV-show called 'Dora'.

So why bother putting very much time and effort in translating FreeStyler to al kinds of languages that, if that particular translator-user stops using FreeStyler, outdates fast and gets unusable?
In fact the same goes for the help file but I can still see the benefit in that.

Just my thoughts. Don't think I'm against translation, I'm just making a good discussion to see if it really is worth it.
Also my offer remains unchanged. If Raph decides to make some language packs or so, I'll help with that, I'll write software to translate or translate myself. Whatever he wants. Pretty good language control software exists (Multilizer) but thats not free, I use it at work. So making something like that my-(or our)selves is an option.
It needs to be an open system so that any user can start a new translation for any language he wants, without having to get Raph to something or need to buy some software package.
It should be possible by starting notepad or some free language editor we create ourselves.