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Freestyler no artnet output

Posted: January 28th, 2009, 12:30 am
by spotlight

I am new to Freestyler so maybe my problem is trivial but annyway.

I am trying to set up Freestyler to run on Art-Net interface, but it does not seem to work.
I have my laptop connected to a network router and my nic's IP address is subnet mask:
I have chosen the Art-Net interface with universe 0 in the Freestyler setup.
I use a 6-bar of PAR64's starting at dmx address 1.
When I open the Art-Net to DMX tool, It says:
Art-Net 2.x.x.x BCAST
Art-Net node started...

But when I open the show output dialog, the values stay at zero.
When I open the edit/Show Output I get a window with 6 output values that are responding to the sliders on the right of Freestyler, but the Art-Net outputs remain at zero.

I think my network setup is ok, because when I start Dmx Workshop (from Artistic License) I can change the output values in Art-net to DMX tool perfectly.
It seems reestyler is not sending out any Art-Net packet.
I have checked the blackout and freeze settings and also the master (whitch is at 100%).

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?


Re: Freestyler no artnet output

Posted: January 28th, 2009, 9:26 pm
by Tom
Have you got the fixtures patched correctly in freestyler?

Re: Freestyler no artnet output

Posted: January 28th, 2009, 10:13 pm
by spotlight
I guess I have patched my fixtures right.

I re checked this and it looks all correct to me:
I have chosen the Art-Net interface with universe 0 in the Freestyler setup.
I use a 6-bar of PAR64's starting at dmx address 1.

Also when I change the dmx address for the pars, that changes also in the edit/show output window and the dmx values shown in that window change with the sliders.
In the Art-Net tool (which looks at 1 dmx universe being universe 0) I can see the 512 dmx values, but they remain all at zero.

It seems to me that it must be a general setting.


Re: Freestyler no artnet output

Posted: January 29th, 2009, 12:10 am
by Tom0101
i have the same problem, but also no solution...

Re: Freestyler no artnet output

Posted: January 29th, 2009, 7:57 am
by lj_raph
Hi All

Is the Windows firewall still active? if so disable it.


Re: Freestyler no artnet output

Posted: January 29th, 2009, 9:41 am
by spotlight
Hello Raph,

I tought of that as well, so I shut down my windows firewall, but that had no effect.


Re: Freestyler no artnet output

Posted: January 29th, 2009, 12:08 pm
by lj_raph
Do you have multiple network interfaces?
If so try to disable the others and restart your computer and try again.

Re: Freestyler no artnet output

Posted: January 29th, 2009, 10:57 pm
by spotlight
Hi all,

I have did som more tries and used an ethernet packet sniffer and got it (partionally) working.
I figured out that when you start FS (with the Art-net interface selected) it starts sending out Art-Net packets.
If you then start the Art-Net to DMX tool, the latter gives an error saying: Address 0 in use and when you click ok, it says: Interface error

If you do it the other way around and start up the Art-Net to DMX tool first, that one starts up ok.
If you then start up FS, the latter just does not send anny packet at all.
There is no error message at all.

I have it all running on one laptop (win xp) with 2 network interfaces: one wireless (that connects to my wireless router at a local ip address) and one wired, which I also connected to my router and gave a fiwed ip address of (although it did the same with an ethernet loopback connector)
I have the windows firewall running (turning it on or off did not change anything in the above behavior)
Disabling my wireless connection also did not change the above behavior.
Now I am wondering could it be that the Art-Net tool must be on a different pc? I have not yet tried this, since right now I only have 1 pc (expecting to get one in a couple of months)

I also tried anothe Art-Net listener being the Luminex Wygalizer (whitch is probably not as strict) that interfaces with Wysiwyg visualization software and this works perfectly providing I start FS first and than the Wygalizer. This keeps working even with the windows firewall and the wireless connection active and a loopback connector connected to the wired nic. It even works with the wired nic disabled and the ip address of the wireless set to

hope this info helps


Re: Freestyler no artnet output

Posted: August 10th, 2009, 9:11 pm
by mannieschumpert
Was this issue resolved?

I've got an Enttec ODE which I can't communicate with via Freestyler.

The ODE is addressed as, and is "seen" by Enntec's Node Management Utility, and can be controlled via Artistic Licence's DMX Workshop or Enttec's LightFactory, so the problem is clearly within Freestyler.

It seems the only settings to change in Freestyler are in the "Interface setup", which doesn't give any options other than selecting Enttec ODE or ArtNet. Are there any more specific, user-tweakable network settings hidden somewhere?

Re: Freestyler no artnet output

Posted: May 29th, 2017, 3:28 pm
by rolfmeurer
same Problem for me, Fresstyler 1024 has many bugs using ArtNet.
solution for me is using Frestyler 512 all ArtNet universes are working properly with the 512 older Version. the new Version 1024 can't send on ArtNet Universe > 3 if the 2nd Univers is > 1 nothing works at all. IT'S a shame there is no wqy to disable the 2nd Universe Feature to get the new Version working. It was a hard part to find the old Version but I got it and it works perfectly

Re: Freestyler no artnet output

Posted: July 29th, 2017, 7:44 pm
by lj_raph
Indeed, there is a bug in the Art-Net module that gives some issues when selecting other universes.
A new beta is available for you to test. Send me an email freestylersupport"at"

Re: Freestyler no artnet output

Posted: August 29th, 2017, 2:56 am
by buttza
Thanks Raph

Re: Freestyler no artnet output

Posted: March 19th, 2021, 10:40 pm
by der-neue

I have no Artnet Output.

IP adress is

in DMXcontroll the Artnet to dmx is OK

Please Help

Uwe Herrmann