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Neo Neon DJ SCAN 250 - SLR 114

Fixture File Help & Support, This is not a Request forum we are here to help you not work for you... If you do need a fixture and don't wish to make one yourself or learn then go here : ... on_service
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This forum is designed for you to get HELP with building fixtures, Please make an attempt if you get stuck YOU must upload your partial fixture file (as an exported fixture file) so we can point you in the right direction if you don't do this you won't LEARN and if you don't learn you will may never be able to get the fixtures you require. It is Very hard to make fixtures for people when we don't have the same light at hand to test it with after all having the light in front of you makes programing so much easier! That's why we will help but rarely build any fixtures for you. You Alone are the best person to build your fixtures if you need help ask if you want it building for you Don't....
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Jo Manix
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Neo Neon DJ SCAN 250 - SLR 114

Post by Jo Manix »

I'm new freestyler user.
I'm looking for user manual or better, the fixture file, for dj scan 250 SRL 114 from Neo-Neon Company. :(
I've found the hungarian notice but i don't speak this language.
May be someone, know how to do !
Thanks a lot...

Je suis à la recherce de la notice d'utilisation ou mieux du fichier fixture pour le dj scan 250 SRL 114 fde la société Neo-Neon :(
J'ai trouvé la notice en hongrois mais je ne parle pas la langue.
Peut être quelq'un sait comment faire.
Merci beaucoup...

Jo Manix

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Re: Neo Neon DJ SCAN 250 - SLR 114

Post by remco_k »

You posted in the wrong section of this forum. Should be doing this here: ... um.php?f=8

Now; whats so hard about that manual. I don't speak hungarian at all; but this:
Csatornák értékei
1. csatorna: PAN (X)
2. csatorna: TILT (Y)
3. csatorna: GOBO
  • 0- 5 BlackOut
    6- 15 dimmer
    16-223 tárcsa forgatás és képváltás
    224-239 lépésenkénti képváltás folyamatosan, 7 sebesség fokozatban
    240-255 strobo, 7 sebesség fokozatban
4. csatorna: COLOR
  • 0-143 kevert színek
    144-239 lépésenkénti színváltás
folyamatos színváltás, 7 sebesség fokozatban
Should really speak for itself and should be enough to create you own fixture file real easy.
The only thing you need to find out it what gobo values are what gobo's. The same goes for the colors.

Anyway, if you still don't understand what the manual is saying, i'll 'translate' it for you:
The fixture uses 4 DMX channels:
1. Pan
2. Tilt
3. Gobo
4. Color

Can't the manual be found on ?
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Jo Manix
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Re: Neo Neon DJ SCAN 250 - SLR 114

Post by Jo Manix »

Thank you Remco_k !
and sorry, i know for the wrong section :?

I thought it was necessary to have more informations.
So if I definitely understood in Fixture configuration of fixture creator
goboch.1 = 3
1 st colorch. = 4
Pan 8bit. = 1
Tilt 8bit. = 2
Isnt'it ?
That's all ????
Nothing in channel description, gobowheel and colorwheel ??? :?:
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Re: Neo Neon DJ SCAN 250 - SLR 114

Post by remco_k »

Jo Manix wrote:Thank you Remco_k !
I thought it was necessary to have more informations.
So if I definitely understood in Fixture configuration of fixture creator
goboch.1 = 3
1 st colorch. = 4
Pan 8bit. = 1
Tilt 8bit. = 2
Isnt'it ?
That's all ????
Nothing in channel description, gobowheel and colorwheel ??? :?:
In channel description you just fill in the description of the channel.
Most of them gets filled in automaticly. The ones that stay empty you fill in.
1: Pan
2: Tilt
3: Gobo
4: Color
It does'nt really matter what you type here, its just a text you get to see with the DMX value control in freestyler.

If you set the number of gobo's and colors to 0 you don't have to fill them in in the corresponding tabs.
Then you can control your fixture from FreeStyler, and find out how many gobo's and colors there are and how they look.
Then go back to the fixture creator, fill in the right number of gobo's and colors and fill in the corresponding tabs.
However, filling in the gobo's and colors is not obligated. But it works much easier in FS.

In fact this is basicly how it works with *every* fixture.
Developer of the Sound 2 Light application (SL.exe) for FreeStyler:
Electronics runs on magic smoke. If it escapes, the electronics won't work anymore!
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