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DAW,MIDI, and Freestyler.

Questions and discussions regarding FreeStyler Software.
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Knows how to turn Lights ON
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Joined: December 22nd, 2011, 2:15 am
FreeStyler Version: 3
I Use FreeStyler for: Stage Show

DAW,MIDI, and Freestyler.

Post by vinjkit »

So I am having a couple of problems in the process of getting my DAW (SONAR 8.5) to trigger freestyler sceens. I have not even gotten to the point of a MIDI track yet triggering freestyler as I have not programed anything yet. I have tried to run freestyler and sonar at the same time without MIDI triggering. The problem is that I beleive either freestyler or the DMX USB PRO is causing SONAR to skip playback around 2 beats and throw the whole audio sequence off. This is infrequent and random but still unreliable for live performance. Both programs run fine when ony the one is running. Any ideas?

Also I a having trouble with the software "disconnecting" from the DMX USB PRO interface (Which could be a part of the same problem). The lite on the interface is suposed to be a constaint flashing when freestyler is active. The light will at random stop blinking and become unresponsive in the program. This happens even if freestyler is the only program running. To get it back working I have to close the program, un-plug and re-plug in the interface, and start the program again.

FS is my life
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Joined: July 11th, 2007, 8:39 pm
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I Use FreeStyler for: Nightclub Lighting

Re: DAW,MIDI, and Freestyler.

Post by Partyman »

I believe you have to add those windows in the touchscreen editor
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