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Amplitude Bewegungen

Posted: May 24th, 2018, 6:21 pm
by liteman

es wäre toll wenn man in fertig programmierten Bewegungen die Amplitude live ändern könnte.
Das kann doch nicht so schwer zu lösen sein. Man braucht doch nur die errechneten PAN und TILT Werte mit einem Faktor zu multiplizieren. Diesen Faktor dann auf einen Submaster legen und fertig.
Original Pan 128 / Tilt 128 -> Faktor = 1 -> Ausgegebener Wert Pan 128 / Tilt 128
Original Pan 128 / Tilt 128 -> Faktor = 0,5 -> Ausgegebener Wert Pan 64 / Tilt 64
Original Pan 128 / Tilt 128 -> Faktor = 1,5 -> Ausgegebener Wert Pan 192 / Tilt 192
So bräuchte man Bewegungen nur ein mal zu programmieren und könnte diese auf verschiedenen Bühnen nutzen.
Es ergäben sich auch ganz neue Möglichkeiten.
Stellt euch vor eure MH's fahren einen großen Kreis über die Bühne. Zum Liedende wird dieser immer kleiner
und beim letzten Takt stehen die MH's genau im Zentrum.



Re: Amplitude Bewegungen

Posted: December 27th, 2018, 2:57 am
by Laudrin
Because the forum users generally speak English and very few understand German, and because I think this is a a quite useful request, I post a translation of liteman's original posting:

Amplitude movements


It would be great if you could change the amplitude of programmed movements live.

That shouldn't be difficult to solve. All you have to do is multiply the calculated PAN and TILT values ​​by one factor. Put this factor on a submaster and you're done.

Original Pan 128 / Tilt 128 ► Factor = 1 ► Output value Pan 128 / Tilt 128
Original Pan 128 / Tilt 128 ► Factor = 0.5 ► Output value Pan 64 / Tilt 64
Original Pan 128 / Tilt 128 ► Factor = 1.5 ► Output value Pan 192 / Tilt 192

So one would only need to program movements once and could use them on different stages.

There would also be completely new possibilities: Imagine your MH's driving a big circle across the stage. At the end of the song this is getting smaller and at the last bar the MH's are right in the center.



Re: Amplitude Bewegungen

Posted: February 27th, 2019, 9:36 am
by liteman

Re: Amplitude Bewegungen

Posted: February 27th, 2019, 10:53 am
by Rod_Horning
At the top of the web page there is a link to The Bug Tracker. In addition to bugs in Freestyler it is used to track requests, such as this, for changes to Freestyler.

Please create an account and post this request there.

Re: Amplitude Bewegungen

Posted: February 27th, 2019, 7:20 pm
by liteman
Vielen Dank für die Übersetzung!!!! @ Laudrin

Re: Amplitude Bewegungen

Posted: December 16th, 2019, 11:52 am
by PhantomDj
Well for movements amplitude should work around the center point (128pan, 128 tilt) and not the absolute 0

In other words the formula should be NewX= (OldX-128) x Factor +128 (and limit the result range from 0 to 255)

Original Pan 128 / Tilt 128 > Factor = 1 > Output value Pan 128 / Tilt 128
Original Pan 128 / Tilt 128 > Factor = 0.5 > Output value Pan 128 / Tilt 128
Original Pan 128 / Tilt 128 > Factor = 1.5 > Output value Pan 128 / Tilt 128

Original Pan 64 / Tilt 64 > Factor = 1 > Output value Pan 64 / Tilt 64
Original Pan 64 / Tilt 64 > Factor = 0.5 > Output value Pan 96 / Tilt 96
Original Pan 64 / Tilt 64 > Factor = 1.5 > Output value Pan 32/ Tilt 32
Original Pan 64 / Tilt 64 > Factor = 3 > Output value Pan 0/ Tilt 0 (The result here would be -64, but the movement will clip in 0)
Original Pan 64 / Tilt 160 > Factor = 1 > Output value Pan 64 / Tilt 160
Original Pan 64 / Tilt 160 > Factor = 0.5 > Output value Pan 96 / Tilt 144
Original Pan 64 / Tilt 160 > Factor = 1.5 > Output value Pan 32/ Tilt 176
Original Pan 64 / Tilt 160 > Factor = 3 > Output value Pan 0 (Clipping) / Tilt 224