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Midi out feedback

Posted: October 28th, 2018, 11:48 am
by Antoine.
Hi all,

Playing around with freestyler now for a while, and it is a really great tool. Trying to work it out with a midi controller. Bought a MidiCon2 from elation (actually, my friend bought it, and now it is my "problem" ;) ). Midicon2 controls freestyler really nice and smooth. But the LEDs en page displays on the midicon2 aren't working. How do you guys set these things up?

For example, I mapped the "black out" key to "fade out", so when I press the black out button, the master fader fades to 0 in about 2 seconds. I would like the LED next to blackout to light up (as a start).

The blackout buttons sends "note on, 67" when pressed, "note off, 67" when released. The LED requires "note on, 114" to get on, and "note off, 114" to get off.

What should I program to get this working? Now I programmed it this way
But this doesn't work. I enabled the "midicon" option, in the options menu. But then doesn't help either. I tried to put in 127 on note off, but this doesn't change anything.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Re: Midi out feedback

Posted: October 28th, 2018, 7:54 pm
by Antoine.
Small edit: I found out that unchecking "midicon" helped me with my midicon2... Kinda strange, also I need to enable "convert flash to toggle buttons". I now can toggle LEDs. I only still can not change the value on the LED displays.
According to midicon2 manual I need to send "control change" 10 with value of 0 - 99. But how do I configure this in freestyler?