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ADA Midi Controller? Tutorial?

Posted: October 27th, 2011, 6:57 pm
by Trisant
Hi, I have been using freestyler for a while.

I have a ADA midi foot controller I would like to add to control my scenes/sequences that I already have set up.. I have a usb to midi adapter.. I have enabled midi in set up. I was hoping to find a good solid tutorial to get me going. the goal is to be able to control a light show from the pedal.. and assign already made sequences to the pedal.. I dont know where to start.

Thanks -Jim :fs:

Re: ADA Midi Controller? Tutorial?

Posted: October 27th, 2011, 7:46 pm
by Spirit
you can use the external control "Sequence 1 ~ 20" to toggle sequence 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 and on..

can you explaine a little bit more what you like to have?
and maby a pdf from you midi controller would also be nice?
do you now something about midi?
does your midi controller allready works with freestyler?
:?: :?: :?:


Re: ADA Midi Controller? Tutorial?

Posted: October 27th, 2011, 8:35 pm
by Trisant
here is a link to the controller.. ... A-MC-1.htm

Basically as you listed above, I just want to control sequences, may assign a button for black out.. and control from from a pedal.

I am unsure if the pedal is working with free styler, I cant seem to get anything going..

I am entry level with midi, but I am a fairly quick learner, I learned the software with no tutorial.. to this point anyways.

Added, Or regardless, whether I can get this controller to work or not, my main goal is to operate my sequences and other key functions of freestyler from a foot controller.. so what ever I have to do to get there is what I am trying to figure out.. and of course the most economical way.. :)

Thank you.

Re: ADA Midi Controller? Tutorial?

Posted: October 28th, 2011, 4:44 pm
by Spirit
oke the fist thing you need to find out is if the midi controler send CC# (Control Change) notes. because these are the notes that freestyler uses.


Re: ADA Midi Controller? Tutorial?

Posted: November 25th, 2011, 6:35 pm
by Hambone
I know I know, dredging up an old thread... The ADA-MC1 and most other standard MIDI foot controllers - I personally use the ART X-15 Ultrafoot - send out MIDI Program Change commands whenever you press a button on them. However Freestyler doesn't know what to do with Program Change commands, as it listens for MIDI Note and MIDI Controller Change data. So in order to make them work together, you have to use a program like MIDI-OX to do some translation.

Specifically, you need to create a data map in MIDI-OX that listens for Program Change commands from the foot pedal and changes them to Note On and Note Off commands that Freestyler will respond to. Here's how:

1. Download and install MIDI-OX (
2. Download and install LoopBe-1 (
3. In MIDI-OX, go to Options | MIDI Devices and select your external MIDI device as the input, and the LoopBe-1 interface as your output, then click OK.
3. Now go to Options | Data Mapping. This will open the Translation Map window. Make sure that the only checkbox selected is "Turn Map On (after OK)"
4. Click the "Insert" button and enter the following values, then click "OK":
Input Channel: Any
Input Event Type: ProgChng
Patch # Min and Max values: -1
Not Used Min and Max values: -1
Pass Original Values (clone): Checked
Output Channel: Match Input
Output Event Type: NoteOn
Note # Min and Max values: -1
Velocity Min and Max values: 127
Delay: 0ms
Use input value 2 (pull): not checked
Use input value 1 (pull): checked
5. Click the "Insert" button again and enter the following values, then click "OK":
Input Channel: Any
Input Event Type: ProgChng
Patch # Min and Max values: -1
Not Used Min and Max values: -1
Pass Original Values (clone): Not Checked
Output Channel: Match Input
Output Event Type: NoteOff
Note # Min and Max values: -1
Velocity Min and Max values: 0
Delay: 125ms
Use input value 2 (pull): not checked
Use input value 1 (pull): checked
6. Click OK in the Translation Map window.
7. In FreeStyler, go to Setup | FreeStyler Setup and click the External Control link, then click on MIDI Control
8. Make sure that the input is set to LoopBe Internal MIDI and output is set to No Output
9. Click "Start", then click "Edit".
10. Select the function that you want to control, then push the appropriate button on your foot controller. A number should fill in on the Note field. Repeat as necessary.
11. Remember to click "Save". You should be all set.

Hope that helps!

Re: ADA Midi Controller? Tutorial?

Posted: April 19th, 2012, 10:07 pm
by uglyfruit
As above I would like to control FS with a midi foot controller. I have a digitech control seven that sends out programme change signals.
I have Midiox and loopbe running and have set it up as explained by hambone.
All the midi commands are shown in the FS midi set up , but once saved they don't work.

I noticed in the Midi ox log that all the signals or note off, is this correct ?

Have very little midi knowledge so am in the dark, can anyone offer any clues. thanks

Re: ADA Midi Controller? Tutorial?

Posted: April 23rd, 2012, 4:48 am
by Hambone
The setup I described should work the same for your DigiTech controller. In the MIDI-OX log you should see three items for each time you press a button on the controller - one for the incoming Program Change, one for an outgoing Note On, and one for an outgoing Note Off.

It sounds like you have a problem with your translation map that's sending two Note Off commands instead of a Note On and Note Off. Check your map and make sure that the first item's output event type is NoteOn and that should fix your problem.