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Re: Revo 4

Posted: November 24th, 2010, 10:06 am
by djxstatik
would love to see what steps you did in doing this. Can you explain a lil.. I tried my self and i have had bad luck. Never looks right, your matrix code is also missing.. please help! :D :D


Posted: March 2nd, 2011, 5:20 pm
by musiclee

why you use SunTrix instead of LEDTrix?

when you try a 16x16 matrix in LED Trix i doesnt allow, says you exceeded channel limit 512

also that matrix you posted, the pic, doesnt work, as you have , skip1,
it will work if you have a skip 0...

i'm very new to this

what's difference between LED&Sun Trix?
i thought you'd use SunTrix for Revo becasue its color


Posted: March 2nd, 2011, 7:13 pm
by musiclee
i understand now,

but how did you figure out the addressing of all the LED's?
i assume you had to type them in, but how did you know what's what to have it scroll/display correct?

and why you have skip "1" channel? if i choose that with 16x16 it won't let me

i want to figure this out for another American DJ light

are you Max Baumle ?


Posted: March 3rd, 2011, 9:05 am
musiclee wrote:and why you have skip "1" channel? if i choose that with 16x16 it won't let me
mmax did not skip one channel. I think mmax entered all the addresses himself and did not use the "auto address" feature (the "skip" feature is a part of that)

the skip function works this way when you are using auto adress:
example: Every 5 ch, skip 1 ch

lets say you use fixtures with four light sources and using 5 DMX channels, where channel one is a master channel. you dont want to enter that channel in the ledtrix nor suntrix. that will make a weird result. entering 5 and 1 in the skup function makes the auto address leave every fifth channel out of the matrix.

try playing with the auto address and you will get the hang of it (Trial error is the best way to learn)


Posted: March 3rd, 2011, 2:49 pm
by musiclee
thanks so much

i can't wait to hook up my Revo 4

what i'm still wondering is how max came up with the matrix values
if you see his values , they are in an odd order

of course manual does not tell you location of each and every LED

i asked him in email, so just waiting to hear back

maybe someone knows


Posted: March 3rd, 2011, 5:10 pm
by Spirit
musiclee wrote:what i'm still wondering is how max came up with the matrix values
if you see his values , they are in an odd order
this is real easy just hook up your revo to Fs, add some Parcans lets say 20 parcans from ch1 to ch20
drag fader1 up see what led will go on write in on a piece of paper drager fader1 back down, now drag fader 2 up write down which led goes on, an do this with allt he 20 parcans.

and look if there is a system and yes if you take a closer look you can see the channel nummer follows the same pattern.
now test it with a parcan with a offset of 25 and see if you are right.(1-25-50-75-100-125-150, and on.)

hoppfully this wil work for you

This is the way i made the matrix For ... =59&t=3240 this led floor


Posted: March 3rd, 2011, 8:15 pm
by musiclee
spirit, max

i think Max switched the 253, 254, 255, 256 numbers
they may be in wrong order



Posted: March 3rd, 2011, 8:23 pm
by musiclee

wow never thought of adding parcans,
so you're kind of "tricking" it to be a small part of Revo4

or why not just add Revo4 fixture file,
and somehow just fill in 1 channel in SunTrix every time

i guess i have to hook it up and see


Posted: March 4th, 2011, 5:53 am
by Electron
I'm having a real strange problem in suntrix, when i open suntrix the channel values are flipped in the grid causing the text on the revo 4 to be scrolling sideways up the middle of the grid.

to fix this i have to close and reopen suntrix a few times,clicking on setup to check the grid.
after a few times the grid will be correct with ch1 in the upper right corner not in the lower left corner.

my OS is win 2k.

as a backup i made a copy of the file "suntrix.dat" in a folder on the root of my drive when the grid was correct and overwrite the one in the freestyler\plugins\ folder when the grid is wrong and i don't have the time to play with it.

any idea's on why suntrix is doing this?

also don't get me wrong - i like the program and the fact that the fs community is supporting the revo 4 dmx better then ADJ inplanted it however - why does the display settings have to be set to 32 bit true color in order for the 256 dmx ch out on suntrix to work?

a computer will work if one shut's off the monitor and will continue to work if the monitor is unplugged from the computer(yeah i know running a video card with no monitor connected can hurt it)but i find it strange
that the display settings will cause suntrix not to output dmx data.

lastly, a couple requests for suntrix updates.
a function to drag the gif so the center of the image is within range of the revo or fixture and a flip function to put the text or image right side up - (the revo 4 put's text and image upside down compared to the preview window when the fixture is mounted correctly and pointed on a wall)a flip function would save one alot of time editing the grid in setup.

thanks for making the suntrix plugin,


Posted: March 4th, 2011, 6:03 am
by Electron
musiclee wrote:mmax
when you try a 16x16 matrix in LED Trix i doesnt allow, says you exceeded channel limit 512
Suntrix auto address won't work eather - for the revo 4 you have to type in each block in the grid yourself.

if you try to use auto address with a start of "0" it will add a "0" which the revo dosn't use and it will end at 255 which is 1 led short.

if you try to start at "1" it gives an out of range error even though the grid of 16x16 is correct.

i don't think they had a 256 fixture 16x16 grid in mind when auto address was designed.

after you type in all 256 values in the right grid locations - the program works great.


Posted: March 4th, 2011, 3:17 pm
by musiclee

the auto address seemed to work for me 1-256
its just that it wasn't in that weird order which revo4 requires

can't wait to check it all out

i wish there was a way to freeze the text
and a way to flash the text
all it seems you can do is scroll text



Posted: March 4th, 2011, 4:52 pm
by Spirit
musiclee wrote:wow never thought of adding parcans,
so you're kind of "tricking" it to be a small part of Revo4see
yes/no somekind of tricking, just remember that dmx are just 512channel and you can fill every channel like you whant.
musiclee wrote:or why not just add Revo4 fixture file,
thats because Revo 4 have more than 33channels and 1fixture can only contane 33channels.
Electron wrote:if you try to use auto address with a start of "0" it will add a "0" which the revo dosn't use and it will end at 255 which is 1 led short.
Yes this seems to be strange because dmx doesn't have a channel "0"
but i also see if you make a matrix of 16x16 and start with channel "1" and press auto address you get a error message
but if you start at channel "0" and press auto address you don't get a error message. real strange i wil make a Bug report of this one


Posted: March 5th, 2011, 6:05 am
by Electron
Just wanted to remind everyone that if all you want to do is text the revo 4 may not be for you.

i watched the you tube video "american dj under the hood led messenger" video and the messenger
does text better then the revo 4 but it's slightly more expensive.

the good points are: it features an 8x24 led matrix which is better then a 16x16 for text and it is focus able.

it will strobe text but, im not sure it will freeze text.

watching the video it seems to scroll 4 characters at a time and has a simple moon flower function.

i was thinking of getting a messenger but figured in my case an led panel or programmable sign would be better if i wanted to get into text.

it would be nice if the revo 4 had focus knobs and adjustable panel angle so the images would be straight when the fixture is angled to cancel out the trapazoid effect.

i wonder if a revo 4 could be put in a messenger can or if adj would sell just the can and panel mount?

the revo 4 has more moonflower effects then the messenger which is why i bought it and the suntrix text is a great bonus but, i thought i'd give mention of the messenger.


Posted: March 7th, 2011, 6:12 pm
by musiclee
can't wait to get in my Enttec Open DMX box
and try out all this cool stuff


Posted: March 7th, 2011, 6:19 pm
by musiclee

i JUST got my Enttec box in the mail,
time to have fun !!!


Posted: March 7th, 2011, 8:14 pm
by musiclee

when you say, "drag fader1 up see what led will go on"

you mean in FS? where exactly? which part of freestyler?



Posted: March 7th, 2011, 9:14 pm
by Spirit
oke start Freestyler and go to Setup -> add/remove fixtures and add some parcans.
now you have some parcans on the screen and if you select one parcan.
now go to the right of the screen and you will see a Arrow select the arrow and you wil see a fader(s).
now you can drag the fader and you should see a light on.

and for more specific info go to
or in freestyler go to Help -> contents
Fader1 = DMX channel1
fader2 = DMX channel2 and on..


Posted: March 7th, 2011, 9:24 pm
by musiclee

you are most helpful
i will try tonight to connect my Enttec Open DMX with my Revo4

i guess i will download the fixture file for this Revo4 from this forum and see if it all works

Inverse Text

Posted: March 8th, 2011, 4:32 am
by musiclee
Spirit, Max, Raph, anyone...please

anyway to INVERSE TEXT?

i have to mount my Revo 4 upside down in order for text to display correctly :roll:


Posted: March 8th, 2011, 5:18 pm
by Spirit
maby invert the dmx patch you made with suntrix.

but way is it a problem to have your revo upsidedown, this sound the most easy way to solve your problem.


Posted: March 8th, 2011, 6:32 pm
by musiclee
DMX patch? you meam the 256 matrix numbers?

i'd rather mount the Revo4 the way "right" way

it's the lens that flips the image i believe,

maybe Raph can make it happen,

and how can you save matrix settings? seems like sometimes it changes,
or if i change grid size, it goes away,

man SunTriX is great but could use soem great new features...


Posted: March 9th, 2011, 3:45 pm
by musiclee
hey ,

loving my Revo4 messenger, :-)

now just need to flip text, resize text, freeze text, flash text...
and be able to save all my matrix, for F1-F12


Posted: March 12th, 2011, 4:53 pm
by musiclee
ok, all seems good with revo
inverting matrix did the trick,
i can now mount my light regular way

my matrix also seem to change when i open close freestyler
wish we could save matrix, even have different matrix for every F1-F12 location

also, how do you guys get the Revo back to sound active as it's in 256ch mode?
i know closing freestyler puts it back in sound active
anyway to toggle messenger/suntrix and sound active while freestyler runs?

also anyway to trigger built in patterns when in 256ch mode

it seems i have to goto my light which is high up on my stand/truss, and put on 4ch

i want to have the best of both worlds 256ch messenger, 4ch regular revo mode...

gonna try to figure this out... anyone?


Posted: March 16th, 2011, 8:53 pm
by musiclee
lots of new stuff in suntrix,

freeze text,
invert text, (so we don't have to manually invert matrix)
BOTH directions text
saving of Matrix fixed (i believe)

you guys try it all out?


lee (musiclee)


Posted: September 3rd, 2011, 10:46 pm
by Electron
how do i get the new ver of suntrix that does all of this?

is it bundled in fs ver 3.3.2 or 3.4??

gave up on useing suntrix with the revo 4 because of the limitations.

now i want to try it again :)
lots of new stuff in suntrix,

freeze text,
invert text, (so we don't have to manually invert matrix)
BOTH directions text
saving of Matrix fixed (i believe)

you guys try it all out?