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making your own glass gobos using old glass filters

Posted: April 21st, 2009, 6:37 pm
by Lightman
Hey, i had this weired ideah on making my own glass gobo for my dj spot 250's. im using old glass filters from my intimidator 1.0s and am now serching for some heat resistant glue. does anyone know what kind of glue or something to bond the glass together? im just doing this because all the colors and gobos in them are getting really annoying and i just want something a little bit new and exciting so i just though "why not make my own glass gobo"

if anyone thinks this is a bad idea or if anyone has some tips and pointers that would be great :)

Re: making your own glass gobos using old glass filters

Posted: May 2nd, 2009, 4:28 am
by sonicj
permatex high temp rtv silicon. it used for making gaskets in engines. good up to 650°F

great idea btw!