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GO Monkey - Theater / Band Cue Stack

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GO Monkey - Theater / Band Cue Stack

Post by Mattotone »

Known issues:
no folder support all sequences must be in single folder (This is how FS accepts Sequences)

No Hard limit to the amount of cues you add to the stack
Load different XML files instantly into the cue stack in the form of set lists.
Play Multiple FS Sequences in one Cue to enable you to create more complex shows.
Halt and wait time: Automatically advance onto next cue after the wait time has elapsed or halt on the cue until the go button is pressed.
Set cue properties such as Random, Loop, Restore Previous Values for each sequence in a cue.
Master Intensity and Master Speed faders.
Midi Commands
hot keys - space for go!
use freestyler sequences
Large GO and Back Buttons.
Easy XML. Setup your entire show in an easy to read XML format By using the inbuilt wysiwyg editor.
TCP-IP Server built in with application published in the Android App Store.

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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by Mattotone »

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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by jonny b good »

This is truly becoming what I can see as one of the most useful pieces of software for FreeStyler.
So many people have asked about theatre stacks and a simple "GO" operation and this is delivering that requirement.

Matt keep up the good work and I am sure you will add even more useful features as it progresses.

To all developers of stuff for FreeStyler your work is really appreciated even if we do not say as much sometimes.

I will wait for the fully finished version with Raph's mod to FS before I fully commit myself to it live.

Matt, am I right in believing/saying that <cue> and <Cue> are different things in the XML Schema ?
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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by Mattotone »

V3 New Features:
Next Midi - Midi assignment to advance onto the next set from the list
Auto Next - When enabled at the end of the current set will automatically load the next set from the list
Auto Go- when selecting a set from the list, will automatically play the first cue in that set
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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by goldtop »

Where is the link to the new version? I found two different links to (presumed) two different versions on the GoMonkey Multi page. There is a post for a V3, but no link to get it. Autoloading of the next set list isn't working, so I'm assuming I have an older version.

Would be helpful to have a version number somewhere, so I can see what it is I have.

Please let me know. Thanks.
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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by Mattotone »

if it has set list options (auto go and auto next) then you have that latest version.
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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by goldtop »

It does not have those options. When you posted your 7 July message on the Multi page, you did not include a link to the new version.
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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by Mattotone »

new versions are allways posted to the first post of this topic.
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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by mattsmith »

Matt- I am currently working on a show running a ETC Express which I want to control Go Monkey via MSC. I have a Tascam US-122 to cover the midi-usb conversion. Go Monkey runs great but I am unable to remotely trigger via midi. I get a 'midi in' light on the tascam, but the status indicator on go monkey stays blue, even after auto-detecting the tascam. I'm also not sure of the syntax Go Monkey is looking for in the 'Go' box. Per the ETC manual, broadcasting on midi device 66, the A/B GO out is F0 7F 42 02 01 02 30 00 31 00 31 F7.

Any and all help is appreciated, this program is GREAT!!!!!

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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by Mattotone »

im not massively up on midi so maybe another member can confirm this.
the part that confuses me is this "the A/B GO out is F0 7F 42 02 01 02 30 00 31 00 31 F7"?
Normally the software looks for midi notes and intensity.
The note defines the command i.e Go and the intensity controls the action Low for release and High for Click.
e.g Note 27 mapped to go. note 28 mapped to back
27# 127 would GO
27# 0 is ignored
28# 127 is back
28#0 is ignored
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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by tufolu »

It's possible to set "react to sound" in GO Monkey (Multi)?
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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by Mattotone »

not currently, the next release will add all the options. I tried to update the existing version to add this for you but the current source code has a number of large changes which are not currently finished, although iv added your request the unfinished features makes it unable to release as yet.
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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by tufolu »

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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by 6h5c »


Thanks a lot, this is a great add-on! I use Freestyler to control a laser for a band, and last weekend I tried Go-Monkey live for the first time, it's great! Previously I used a cuelist for each song, but these setlists are much easier to use live. The big button is far more practical compared to the small play buttons in the cuelist.

Just one request: could you add a loop option for a setlist, so a setlist is automatically repeated? I'd like to use Go-Monkey for some PAR's as well, when the lasershow is finished and the DJ is taking over for the remainder of the evening. I've created various chases (like a running light etc., you know...) that i'd like to run a few times sequentially over and over. I can enable the 'loop all sequences' in the cuelist, but then the chases only run one time, but with the timer in Go-Monkey I can let them run 10 or 20 times, which is just what I need. If only the setlist would repeat itself... :-)

Thanks a lot and keep up the good work!


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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by Mattotone »

Heres the latest version. not currently uploaded as there's a few refinements to make as i only started updating the software 3 hours ago. But its currently working and seems to work well.

update 1. Sound to light option now implemented.
update 2. nested loops.

there are two new commands



The loops are nested meaning you can have as many loops as you want in a setlist but also nest loops within loops which will continue the previous loop / loops when completed :D

However this make the back button not work as planned.
and require your input on how you want to make it operate.
The back button is unable to cycle through the loops, basically if you have a loop with 3 items in it and is set to loop 3 time and has completed. if you press the back button it would go cue 3, cue 2,cue 1 but then not re loop back back to 3 for another two times.
Once the back button has got to the begging of the loop it wont go any further back, even if there are cues before it. it will still go forward by pressing go or if halt is false and will reloop as usual and finish the show.
if you want to go back you will have to select the previous cue/loop manually.

i can change this so it doesnt stop but goes to the previous cue if you desire and may actually be the way i do this any way.

i look into the feasibility of the back button reversing through the loops correctly but will be a lot of work let me know if the back button causes issues.

Features to add.
#Different loops have different colors to identify nesting.
#look at back button and loops
#add error detection for badly formed xml and try to correct.

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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by 6h5c »

Wow, cool! Thanks a lot for implementing this. Can't wait to try it!

I mainly use Freestyler for a band, and since the songs are sequential, I don't use the back button. But it seems logical to me that if the back button is pressed, the previous set of cues is repeated and looped as specified, but then in their original sequence 1, 2, 3 rather than reverse. So it jumps back to the beginning of the loop, instead of to the last cue that was played. If you look at the cues as a set, this would make more sense to me. But that's just me :-)

I like your color-idea, this will make a finishing touch 8-)


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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by Mattotone »

The new update is up.
I couldn't decide what was best for the back button so for now it simply goes back, no looping, no jumping back to the beginning of a loop.
If you do want to re loop just click the start of the loop and the loop will be reset to start again.
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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by 6h5c »


I already tried it, it looks good, however I can't get it to work properly yet. Maybe a syntax error? I have a bunch of multi-step chases that i'd like to run 10 or 20 times, for background light with 4 PARs, so here's what I did:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


<loop >

    <Description>Running light</Description>
    <cueName>Licht/Running light</cueName>


<loop >



"Running light " is a simple 4-step chase that sequentially lights 4 PARs, 1-2-3-4, and I'd like to run that 10 times before skipping to the next chase. When I run this, Go Monkey only plays one second of the chase, instead of playing the four steps. The chase is interrupted and starts at step 1 after one second, during which the timer-bar at the bottom of the screen runs. It does this ten times, so the loop works o.k. Am I doing something wrong?

By the way, what exactly does the <endLoop> tag do?


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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by Mattotone »

it will do. you have told it to run sequence for 0 seconds (<Wait>0</Wait>) which is changed to 1 as that's the minimum.
the wait time is not how many times the sequnce should run but how long the sequence should run before moving onto the next.
since you only have one cue in your loop it just plays that again 10 times

Take a look at the example xml file to see how it should be laid out.
the <endLoop> specifies the end of the loop i.e you can loop through a few sequences

loop 10 times
sequences 1 for 10seconds
sequence 2 for 10 seconds
sequence 3 for 10 seconds
end loop

the above would cycle through 1 to 3 every 10 seconds 10 times
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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by 6h5c »

I see, thanks! I tried setting the wait time longer and it works better. So actually the wait time has to be set at least as long as the duration of the chase you want to play (or longer if preferred), that doesn't seem logical to me. Shouldn't the waittime start to count AFTER the chase has finished it's steps?

Now I have a problem with a 3-step chase that lasts 3.5 seconds that I want to loop a few times. The wait time is a round 4 seconds, so now the lights are acting funny, as the numbers don't match anymore. Isn't it possible to let Go Monkey look at the duration of the actual chase, when the waittime is set to zero?

Thanks a lot for all your hard work! ;)


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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by Mattotone »

i can rename the wait time as it seems to be causing confusion.
The idea is for theater cue stacks, I.E Timed shows.
the wait time is the amount of time the cue should wait before moving on to the next.
It doesnt need to read the time the cue lasts for, if you set the wait time to 10 seconds for say a 2 second cue it will loop the cue over and over for 10 seconds then move on to the next.
the loop end loop is not needed for that as it just plays the cue for 10 seconds then moves onto the next.

what the loop is used for is if you have a group of cues you want to loop or an entire set to loop over.


loop 5 times
cue1 wait 10
cue2 wait 10
cue3 wait 10
cue 4 wait 10
end loop

would output this waiting 10 seconds before moving onto the next cue.

cue1 wait 10
cue2 wait 10
cue3 wait 10
cue 4 wait 10
cue1 wait 10
cue2 wait 10
cue3 wait 10
cue 4 wait 10
cue1 wait 10
cue2 wait 10
cue3 wait 10
cue 4 wait 10
cue1 wait 10
cue2 wait 10
cue3 wait 10
cue 4 wait 10
cue1 wait 10
cue2 wait 10
cue3 wait 10
cue 4 wait 10
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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by 6h5c »

Well, wait time is a good name I think, that's not an issue for me. I understand how it works, it's just that the wait time includes the length of the chase itself (or cue, as you call it). So if I have a 3.5s chase with 20s wait-time, the actual time between this chase and the next one is only 16.5s.

When it is looped, it's not possible to match the wait time exactly to a multiple length of the chase, it will play the chase 5.7 times and cuts it off in the middle when it proceeds to the next. That doesn't look nice, the show doesn't run smoothly this way.

Is it possible to disable the wait time when it is set to zero (sounds logical, lose the 1 second minimum)? Then it would just play the chase and move on to the next one, and the loopnumber would determine how often it is played. That would solve the problem for me. Thanks a lot!


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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by Mattotone »

the software has no way of knowing when a sequence has compleated.

the idea of the goMonkey was to make it easier to create a show from premade sequences.

Not create sequences that must be in order for a certain time etc. that can be all built by go monkey.
the idea is youd make generic sequences and static scenes and build them all together in Go Monkey as each cue in go monkey can consist of upto 20 sequences.
you can then just loop them as you like and they would complete fully.


Cue1 for 15 seconds
Sequences set of parcans
flip flop movers colours
set movers to front of stage

cue 2 for 20 seconds
Sequences set of parcans
flip flop movers colours
set movers to rear of stage

cue 3 for 15 seconds
set parcans blue
sequnce movers xy position
flip flop movers colours

Loop to cue 1 repeat 5 times
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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by 6h5c »

Ok, I see. I want to do things the software is not intended for :). It was worth to try, right? But it's already great the way it is, so i'll just use the waittime to time my loops and tweak it a bit. That will get very close to what I want. Thanks a lot for your explanation.

Just an other side-question: how do other people setup a set of cue's for their PARs then? I'm sure i'm not the only one that has a set of PARs at a party running in the background all night, doing running lights and various things, without having to control it manually. I'd hate to put my dimmer pack on "AUTO".... I have to use the cuelist for a laser show, so it's no use putting 20 cues in there and loop them. I also don't want to create a 400 step chase just for the PARs. It's too much work and not flexible enough. Any ideas?

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Re: GO Monkey (Multi) - Theater Cue Stack

Post by Mattotone »

like you i create sequnces and have them running all night. you can use the go monkey even thou it was designed around that doesnt mean you cant use it like that.
if your worried about a sequence finishing halfway through you could always program transitional scenes in between.


cue 3

the transition sequnce should proberbly use fades so not to look unnatural.
and could be somthing as simple as quickly fading to full then fading back into the first scene of the next cue.

then if your wait times are not exact or mid way through a sequence it doesnt look unfinished.
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